About Lydia

Hi there! It’s so nice to meet you. My name is Lydia, and I’m a 18-year-old girl who lives in northwest Iowa. I love music, writing, black tea, and Jesus.

And I have to say that I believe in YOU. I believe in a God who loves and forgives and has marvelous plans — for me and for you. I believe in a God who can and will use anyone to do amazing things, and I believe that we need to say “YES” to what God has in store for us.


I’ve been to Haiti four times. If you aren’t aware, Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere. In 2010, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti, killing and injuring over 500,000 people, and leaving 1.5 million people homeless. My heart broke hearing about the devastation of the earthquake. It was then that I developed my passion for loving others and helping the less-fortunate. I left my heart in Haiti, and I have made many relationships and connections there.

I also believe that we were made to live an out of the ordinary life, living in a way that is not-so-average in order to serve God. Β But you don’t have to go to Haiti to live an out of the ordinary life. That’s where this blog comes in. I am challenging myself and you to live a not-so-average life right here, right where we are.


I am the oldest of two girls in my family. My dad is a farmer, and my mom is a writer.

Some of my favorites are:

  • writing
  • jazz
  • singing (soprano all the way!)
  • music (I play the marimba, piano, clarinet, and ukulele.)
  • any kind of tea!
  • classic literature
  • public speaking
  • sushi
  • cheerleading

So this is my story. It’s the one God has blessed me with, and I will live it the best that I possibly can. I think that it’s fitting to close with my favorite Bible verse of all time:

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us.”

Ephesians 3:20

20 thoughts on “About Lydia

  1. Lydia, you certainly are not living an average life, for God has called you, even as an 11 year old, to do extraordinary things for Him. You are shining example of how “nothing is impossible with God” and how the Spirit of God is working through you. It is an honor being your pastor but more than that an honor to call you a child of the Most High God. God has called you to do great things and I look forward to see how God continues to work through you as you grow up. My prayer is that your passion for serving God will continue to grow each and every day and God will shower His blessings upon you in everything you do.

  2. Hi, Lydia!
    I loved reading your blog and cannot wait to read more! I found it because I am a follower of your mom’s. I can feel God’s glory shining through you all the way here ( to the east coast)!
    Xo Kathy

  3. Hi, Lydia!
    It is so good to know that your dream to follow in your mom’s footsteps is coming true. I read her inspirational blogs and I have to say I am very impressed with her daughter also. You are making a difference….because you are so young and have a heart to serve and to do GOD’S will. Continue in your venture for the Lord, it will take you to places you never imagined. I know your mother is extremely proud of you.
    GOD bless precious one. πŸ™‚

  4. Hi Lydia! My name is Jadyn. I’m 11 years old, and our family is moving to Haiti. We are going to be working with COTP(Children Of The Promise)- it’s like an orphanage, but they take in babies and nurse them back to health. Those babies may be malnourished, may be sick, may have physical disabilities, maybe their parents have died, or sometimes their families are just too poor to take care of them. Sometimes they need people to adopt them. That’s where my family comes in. Me(11) my mom and dad, Gabriel(10), Malachi(7), Isaiah(5), and Zion(2) are going to Haiti to be house parents to Haitian babies. We will be taking 6-8 babies ages 0-4 into our home, and making them part of our family, until they get adopted out to Christian homes. We would enjoy your prayers as we make this big move. I know it will be hard to watch babies suffer, and sometimes die- but I know that with God, anything is possible.
    – Jadyn Willis
    P.S. You can follow us with our blog- http://www.wewillfollowyoutohati.blogspot.com

    • Wow, Jadyn. You have an amazing story. God bless you and your family with this AMAZING project. Your family is in my prayers. You are truly out of the ordinary!! πŸ˜€

  5. Hello Lydia,
    What a jewel in God’s crown you are! You are a shining light for Him, and I’ve been so blessed to read your words on your blog! I’d like to encourage you to keep that open heart and sweet spirit-God’s using you in tremendous ways, and He will certainly keep giving you direction. Thank you for being an example of the apostle Paul’s instruction to Timothy in the Bible to “Let no man despise thy youth,” but to be an example of the believers. You truly are that. Keep shining for Jesus! =) God Bless You.

  6. Hi Lydia.
    Greetings from Honduras!
    I found your blog through a friend of mine that found it through another friend of hers and, being the only two blog writers on our church, we were very surprised by your blog. Not only is it so well written for such a young girl, but it is so inspiring. I am in awe at the heart you have for the Lord. I just recently became a mommy to a four-month baby girl and I pray my daughter can grow to have a heart for Christ like you do. I even saw your friend Kendra’s facebook page and was inspired by her work for the Lord as well. It is my dream to start a mission in my city (Honduras is one of the poorest, most violent countries in the world) and you inspired me to continue that process. Thank you. May God bless you and your family and keep making you into the beautiful woman you are becoming.

  7. Hi Lydia! I just read your article in Clubhouse magazine (like, 2 minutes ago) and I think it’s great what you’re doing! πŸ™‚ I want to be out of the ordinary too and people like you inspire me! Thank you so much and keep living for Him!

  8. Pingback: Fun Friday: The Liebster Award | Found

  9. Hi, Lydia! I was nominated for a Liebster Award, which means I get to nominate small blogs I think deserve attention. I respect how you live out Paul’s advice to Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:12. You can learn more about the award and check out the rules here: http://melindavanry.wordpress.com/2014/04/25/fun-friday-the-liebster-award/. It’s up to you what you do with your nomination. πŸ™‚

    Keep on being obedient to the Lord! And if that includes blogging for years to come, I look forward to witnessing through your words how He continues to work in and through your life.


  10. You are such a fresh encouragement. Keep writing. You have a gift… and see the world in a perspective that we need to hear of.

  11. hi Lydia..! This is my first time to read your blog and i just say WOW, how wonder you are! and i really want to know about your self more…may i??

  12. Greetings from South Africa.
    I actually came across your blog in a recent search for healthy living (and I read your speech). I am touched by what an amazing story you have and how you’re using your time to help those less fortunate! You are an inspiration to the young and old alike. And yes it is definitely true that we can accomplish so much if we have God on our side! If everybody took the time out to show kindness to others, this world would be a much better place.Continue with your efforts and continue inspiring others.
    All the best! πŸ™‚

  13. Hi lydia,
    I’m Tanisi
    Iam very glad to know about u & ur family . The first time I read about your article was fabulous . A big thanks to u . May god bless you and your family .
    Keep doing ur work and we r with u;)

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