The Power of Prayer

I really just want to thank you all so much for the prayers. The day of my speech, I was thinking of all of you who prayed for me and the amazing comments I got here. And I have great news about the speech… (pause for dramatic effect)… I won first place! I am so glad I get to share Webert’s story yet again on May 3. (I’ll definitely be needing lots of prayers then, as well.)

I have some other things I would like to share as well. Saturday, my mom, Anna and I went to the nearby Lake Pahoja to throw rocks into the lake. But these weren’t just any rocks. This month, my mom, Jennifer Lee, gave two talks in Minnesota and Nebraska. She spoke at a “Beautiful Life” conference and a “Jumping Tandem” conference. During her talks, she had all of the women (and some men) write down some things they need let go and give to God. This included things like: fear, inability, not enough, other’s approval and unworthiness.

So, for about two hours at the lake, we took each individual rock, looked at what they had written on it, and we prayed for the person who wrote on the rock. Then, we tossed each rock in.



Each of us had a different way of praying for the person. I, for example, paced around and talked aloud, sometimes quoting my favorite Bible verses, while Anna prayed just as hard, just doing it silently in one place. But it didn’t matter our differences in prayer, because God heard Anna just as much as he heard me.


And here is what I say to those who fear: Do not be afraid!! 2 Timothy 1:7 says: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of self-control.” God, help this person to overcome this fear, to not let them hold back. God, keep this fear ON THE BOTTOM OF THE LAKE!!!

And here is what I say to those who feel unable to do things: Help this person, God, to let this person know they can do BIG things for you. You will use them if they are open to do so. Because: “God does not call the equipped; He equips the called.” -Anonymous (I saw this quote in the Grooters’ home in Haiti.) Matthew 19:26 says: “Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible.’ ”

And here is what I say to those who feel as if they are not enough or want others’ approval: God, let this person know that they are most definitely enough. They make mistakes, they sin, they mess up. They are HUMAN!! You, God, forgive them when they make mistakes. You sent your son to die for them, to forgive them. They do not need to be perfectly enough because Jesus was. So keep those ON THE BOTTOM OF THE LAKE!!!

And here is what I say to those who feel unworthy: They are more valuable than gold and diamonds. God put this person on the earth for a reason. A VERY SPECIAL REASON, in fact. Jeremiah 29:11, one of my favorite verses: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

And one rock, one of the last ones I did, said: “Living Ordinarily.” 😀 God, use this person to live an Out of the Ordinary life. Help this person to let you use them in amazing life. We were not meant to live life ordinarily. Because God WILL use us!


And if God can use me, a child, He can use anybody.

(I’m linking to my mom’s blog today. She wrote about this experience as well. You can find her story and a video here.)

18 thoughts on “The Power of Prayer

  1. Look at you young lady…well done…well done!!! and what a beautiful exercise of Love you and your sister…along with your sweet mom got to partake in…may each woman feel the washing of His love over them. congrats again…BTW…I love your sweet smile 🙂

  2. Lydia, thanks for sharing about this experience. Even though I didn’t write on any of those rocks, I sure could have. Thanks for helping me think about the fact that I need to throw away those rocks that keep holding me down and let His Living Water cover me in all things. Blessings to you, Anna and your Mom. You really touched my heart today. Thank you!

  3. As far as the East is from the West…

    As far as a rock is from a person’s heart to the bottom of a lake…

    As close as your ear is to your Abba’s mouth to hear him say, “I delight in you…”

    Thank you for demonstrating that our Father is so fond of us he created rocks in such a way that they bless us when they sink.

  4. Oh, Lydia, I prayed abd prayed for God to put His message in your mouth, and He did! Congratulations on first place, because I know He holds first place in your heart. And He put His words under your fingertips too…..such words of wisdom here! I had a rock w/ a number of things written on it. But Jennifer told me “not to worry,” because there were several like that. And truth be told, if we wrote it all down, you, poor girl, would have been hauling boulders to that lake! The wonderful thing is that God takes our mistakes and sins and fears and dumps them all into the ocean’s depths (or lake in this case) never to be dredged up again. Sometimes we’re too weak to do it ourselves and our friends help. Thank you, young friend Lydia, for all your help and encouragement. And please thank Anna too!
    Blessings and again three cheers for first place!

  5. This is so beautiful, Lydia! Congratulations on your speech, and thank you for casting all those lies into the lake. What a gift to each of us who scrawled across stone. At the bottom of the lake…yes, that’s where those belong! I can’t wait to introduce my 11-year-old daughter to your blog. I met your mama at the Jumping Tandem retreat, and as I’m sure you know, she is an amazing woman of God. And you, my dear, what beauty radiates from every word you write. Thank you for believing with God for the dreams he has for you. He delights in you, dear girl.

  6. Another AMAZING message just when I needed it. Just throw it all away to the bottom of the Lake for the Lord to take care of. So glad to hear you got first place, would love to hear it sometime. And will continue to pray for you on the 11th when you present it again. Thank you sweet girl for your wonderful words.

  7. Lydia,

    I’m one of the women you and your sister prayed for at the lake. It’s my joy to be part of the body of Christ, a ragtag group of forgiven people in which old and young care for each other. I’m so thankful today for the care you’ve given me.

    Congratulations on your first-place finish. You rock!

  8. You are learning such precious truths Lydia. Tuck them away in your heart. I think one of the most precious gifts we can ever receive is to know someone is praying for us. You are a sweet blessing.
    Congratulations on your win. You are doing a great job!!!

  9. Lydia, I so appreciate your sensitivity to your sister in acknowledging that she prayed just as hard as you did; it just looked different. What a neat experience to share as girls of the family! I know the ladies/men who wrote on the rocks will reap the benefit of your prayers for them. Give yourself a hug! 🙂 Love,

  10. Hi Lydia! Congrats on the 1st place prize for your speech! That’s wonderful! I would love to read it.
    The video on your Mom’s blog touched my heart deeply and brought me to tears. You and Anna are prayer-warriors, no question about that. Such love and compassion shown by you for people you don’t even know.
    I could not go to the Jumping Tandem retreat, but I saw my burdens written on some of those rocks. I consider myself prayed for, and I am grateful. “Thank you” to you and Anna and your Mom. (You are an amazing writer, too! Your Scriptures touched my heart as well.)

  11. Dear Sweet Lydia! One of those rocks was mine. Thank you so much for praying for me and for pitching my rock into the lake. From now on, each time one of those lies creeps up, which I am sure will be quite frequently, I will picture you throwing my rock into the water and I will remind myself to leave it at the bottom of the lake. I love you! I love your heart! You most certainly are not average or ordinary. You are a bright light and an encouragement to me and many others. I am 44 years old, but when I grow up, I want to be more like you. Why? Because I see Jesus in you and He is using you to make this world a better place. Oh, and congrats on winning 1st place!

  12. Oh Lydia. It’s humbling to think that you and your sister joined in this mission with the same devoted heart your mom did. Thank you so much for praying so personally for each one of us. Thank you so much for sharing your heart with so many.

  13. Lydia, when I was your age, God was filling my heart with words and prayers for others so like yours that your words here put stars in my eyes . What a special blessing it is for me to see Him moving in you and your heart of prayers like this too! We didn’t have blogs back then… but I recognize your intercessor’s heart, for He alone can plant that in us! May He take all your prayers and when the time is right, mix them with his holy fire, pouring them out from heaven’s bowls upon those you lift to Him! (He once gave me a picture like that in my mind about someone I prayed since childhood for, nearly 50 years of prayers – that He was taking all my years of prayers and pouring them out on the one I had prayed so long for to really know and walk with Him… And then I came upon the most beautiful verses in Revelations chapter 5 that speak of that very truth about golden bowls filled with our prayers! So wondrous! 🙂 Don’t ever give up on praying for anyone… even if it takes a lifetime. God has also shown me how our prayers for others are like it says in Nehemiah about rebuilding the walls of protection that had holes in them … God takes our prayers and repairs those broken walls so He can fill those we lift to Him more and more. Blessings to you, Lydia! I never knew other young intercessors when I was a child… and you bless my heart!

  14. Lydia, I just happened to stumble upon your blog and it made my day. It is so powerful and inspiring to see God using you at such a young age. Unlike you, I didn’t have a close relationship with God until I was a young woman. I am now a teacher (5th grade), and it warms my soul to read your words and see what an amazing witness you are to others in this world. Keep your head up and stay strong in God’s promises as you grow up–the world needs beautiful young ladies like you. I will pray for you. Thank you for the blessing.

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